Dissociative Identity Disorder

Our mental health therapist help those fighting dissociative identity disorder.

Dissociative Identity Disorder


Dissociative identity disorder (DID) is a mental disorder that involves a disconnection and absence of continuity which is entirely involuntary. It affects memory, consciousness, identity, and thoughts, causing problems in everyday functioning.

Types of Dissociative Disorders

Though dissociative disorders are rare, their existence is concerning. There are three different types of dissociative disorders.

1. Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID)

Formerly known as multiple personality disorder or split personality. It can give a person numerous alternative identities which they can switch into. Each identity may have its name, mannerisms, characteristics, and even voice. DID can cause gaps in the memory of people who have it. People suffering from DID can also have dissociative amnesia.

2. Dissociative Amnesia

A person suffering from dissociative amnesia can forget about themself or have difficulty remembering details about them far beyond typical forgetfulness. The forgotten information may involve life history or identity, but it is often a particular event, such as abuse or combat. These amnesic episodes can last anywhere from a few minutes to several years.

3. Depersonalization Disorder

This disorder causes symptoms that include feelings of detachment from sensation, thoughts, feelings, and actions. Or the sense that people and things around them are unreal. A majority of people begin experiencing these episodes before the age of 20.

While each of these disorders has some symptoms that set it apart from the rest, all three usually have some trauma at the root.

Causes of Dissociative Identity Disorder

Generally speaking, DIDs develop in people as their defense mechanism to help combat trauma. Children who have experienced long-term abuse, whether physical, sexual, or emotional, are most likely to develop DID. Likely, people who have been through a natural disaster, combat, or any other form of trauma may also develop DID.

Treatments for Dissociative Identity Disorder

DID and other dissociative disorders usually involve various therapies like pharmacological support. Medicines such as antidepressants are administered to treat related symptoms. Psychotherapy, including cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT), is also given to patients. Therapists are trained professionals who help patients deal with the trauma they have experienced.

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