Chiropractic Care to Elevate Your Health

Chiropractic care relieves pain, maximizes your nervous system, and optimizes your daily functioning for lasting wellness.

What Symptoms Can Chiropractic Address?

Curis Chiropractors understand that one of the main causes of bodily pain is the misalignment and abnormal motion of the vertebrae in the spinal column. Functional chiropractic works by removing these abnormalities thereby relieving nerve pressure and irritation, restoring joint mobility, and returning the body back to a state of normal function. Curis Chiropractors work with you to develop a personalized Care Plan that relieves pain, optimizes your body, and helps you live your life to the fullest.
Image 1 Headache

Curis Chiropractors can address tension headaches, cluster headaches, and migraines to relieve daily pain and optimize your health.

Image 2 TMJD

Referred to as TMJ, this condition is caused by spinal misalignments and can be treated through adjustments and muscle work.

Image 3 Neck Pain

Curis Chiropractors address neck pain by treating injuries, poor posture, spinal subluxations, and stress.

Image 4 Shoulder Pain

Shoulder pain and frozen shoulder require chiropractic care to address the neuro-muscular-skeletal systems and relieve pain.

Image 5 Back Pain

Curis Chiropractors can address back pain by treating injury, poor posture, spinal subluxations, disc problems, pinched nerves, and more.

Image 6 Scoliosis

Chiropractic care can alleviate any pain caused by scoliosis and help maintain, or potentially regain, spinal alignment.

Image 7 Leg Pain

Our chiropractors can alleviate pain in the lower extremities by addressing the overuse and inflammation of the lower body muscles and tendons.

Image 8 Injuries

Chiropractic care not only aids your injury recovery, but also ensures that no long-term health issues from your accident arise.

Image 9 Women s Health

Chiropractic care can ease the discomfort pregnancy may cause and help with labor and labor recovery.

Image 10 Pediatric

Infant & Pediatric Health

Chiropractic care can ensure your children are growing and developing healthily by addressing several childhood ailments.

Image 12 Wellness 1

Chiropractic care extends beyond pain management and can be the next step to achieving your short- and long-term wellness goals.

Additional Ailments Chiropractic Can Address

Functional Chiropractic Techniques & Therapies

Our Curis Chiropractors use a variety of chiropractic methods to holistically improve and maintain the flow of the nervous system, promoting our patient’s quality of life.
Active Release Technique

Active Release Technique is a trademark soft tissue technique that treats various problems with muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia, nerves, and blood vessels.

Cold Laser Therapy

Cold laser therapy, also known as low-level laser therapy (LLLT), uses light to treat various conditions without heat or vibration.

Cold Therapy

Cryotherapy is a type of cold treatment that accelerates the healing process after an injury.

Decompression Therapy

Using a decompression table allows chiropractors to relieve pain from, and heal, herniated or bulging discs.

Manual Technique

The drop-table technique involves gentle spinal maneuvering that adjusts the spine while allowing the affected joint to stay passive.

Heat Therapy

Heat therapy plays an important role in chiropractic practice to increase circulation, relax muscles, and reduce pain.

Manual Technique

Manual therapy, also known as manipulative therapy, is a physical treatment primarily used by chiropractors to treat musculoskeletal pain and debility.

Myofascial Release

Myofascial release allows chiropractors to relieve discomfort through easing the thin membrane that surrounds your muscles.


NBT allows Curis Chiropractors to analyze and treat every muscle in the body, providing our patients with pain relief and restored mobility.


PEMF creates cellular rejuvenation and offers a deeply penetrating way to naturally and non-invasively reduce inflammation and relieve pain.

Massage Therapy

Massage therapy is a powerful tool to promote joint flexibility, alleviate pain, and improve overall wellness.

Active Rehabilitation

Active rehabilitation exercises are a dynamic approach to enhancing health and relieving discomfort.


Thermography is a non-invasive diagnostic tool that allows your Curis Chiropractor to gain insights into your body’s functioning.

Graston Therapy

Graston Therapy, or IASTM, is a specialized form of instrument-assisted massage that improves soft tissue dysfunction.


Acupuncture complements chiropractic treatment through normalizing nerve signaling and promoting holistic health.


Electrotherapy, or electrical stimulation, is used for pain relief, tissue rehabilitation, improved blood flow, and enhanced range of motion.

Ultrasound Therapy

Ultrasound therapy aids in the healing process and alleviated pain in a non-invasive way.


Cupping employs vacuum pressure to lift tissue under the skin and reduce tension and improve mobility.

Frequently Asked Questions

Because pain is the last symptom we experience from any injury or condition, it is important to seek chiropractic care even if you are not currently experiencing pain. Regular adjustments do more than keep you pain free; they help your mind and body to perform at their highest level.
Yes, in fact, we recommend children receive chiropract care to ensure their bodies are developing healthily.
Yes, prenatal chiropractic care can ease pregnancy pains and delivery complications.
Yes, and chiropractic care can even assist with the healing process of these procedures.

Why Our Clients Love Curis Chiropractors

5000+ 5-star reviews and counting!

Start Your Wellness Journey

Curis’s unique approach to holistic health allows us to create a personalized chiropractic experience to help each client bridge the gap between their mind and body, and take their vitality to the next level.

Schedule An Appointment
With one of our Chiropractors.

Our functional chiropractors put your specific needs first. We are proud to provide a high quality level of customer service, chiropractic experience, and commitment to health and wellness to all our patients. Our goal is to improve your lifestyle by caring for your health.


Functional Chiropractic Care
At Curis Functional Health

Chiropractors understand that one of the main causes of pain and disease is the misalignment and abnormal motion of the vertebrae in the spinal column called a subluxation. Functional chiropractic works by removing these subluxations in the spine, thereby relieving pressure and irritation on the nerves, restoring joint mobility, and returning the body back to a state of normal function.

Who Is Chiropractic For?

Benefits of Chiropractic

How Chiropractic Works

What Is An ​Adjustment?


Our Functional Chiropractors
Love Curis


Start Your Wellness Journey

Curis’s unique approach to holistic health allows us to create a personalized chiropractic experience to help each client bridge the gap between their mind and body, and take their vitality to the next level.

Not all pain is caused by obvious injuries like broken bones or cuts. Some pain may stem from the myofascial tissues. These tough membranes are wrapped around your muscles to provide support and connect them to other parts of the body.

When myofascial tissue becomes stiff, it may restrict movement in both the muscles and joints. This can lead to joint and muscle pain. During myofascial release, your chiropractor will locate and release areas of myofascial tissue that are stiff and tight.

Myofascial Pain Symptoms

Myofascial pain can be caused by trauma — such as a car accident — repetitive motions or muscle tension due to stress. In fact, people who are often stressed or anxious may be more likely to develop myofascial pain. This could be due to frequent clenching of the muscles.

The symptoms of myofascial pain include a deep ache or pain in the muscle, pain that continues or worsens, or a sensitive knot in the muscle. The source of the pain is stiffness in specific areas of myofascial tissue — known as “trigger points.” Normally, myofascial tissue is elastic and moves when light pressure is applied. Trigger points, though, feel tight and rigid.

Unlike pain caused by broken bones or cuts, myofascial pain can occur over a wider area of your body. Also, the trigger points may not be located near the area where you are experiencing the pain. This is called referred pain.

Diagnosis of Trigger Points

During a physical exam, your chiropractor will identify areas of myofascial tissue that are stiff and rigid. This is done by applying light finger pressure to the body, looking for tissue that does not feel elastic or move easily. Again, the trigger points may not be located near the source of your pain.

Myofascial Release Treatment

After identifying the trigger points, chiropractors can use myofascial release therapy to reduce the stiffness in the myofascial tissue. This technique involves stretching and applying manual pressure to areas of the myofascial tissue that are tight.

During the treatment, your chiropractor will carefully observe your body’s response in order to know how much and where to apply the pressure. Loosening up the myofascial tissue can allow the muscles to move more freely. This may reduce your pain symptoms.

Muscle pain can result from many different causes. If are experiencing pain, consult your chiropractor to help you determine your best treatment options.

Manual therapy, also known as manipulative therapy, is a physical treatment primarily used by chiropractors to treat musculoskeletal pain and debility.

How Does Manual Therapy Work?

This form of physical therapy takes a hands-on approach rather than using devices or machines. When a chiropractor uses their hands during manual therapy, they apply pressure on the muscle tissue and maneuver the joints in an effort to reduce pain associated with muscle tension, muscle spasm and joint dysfunction.

How Does Manual Therapy Help?

When a person has insufficient movement and range of motion in their joints, it can lead to pain, discomfort and an interruption in function, movement and posture.

By implementing manual therapy, the following can occur:

-An increase in range of motion
-A decrease or elimination of soft tissue inflammation
-Pain regulation
-Healing, stability and/or extension of contractile and non-contractile tissue
-Ease in movement and restoration of function

Types of Manual Therapy Movement

There are many manual therapy techniques, and, as a group, they aim to relax tense muscles and ease restricted joints. Overall, however, these procedures exercise three main types of movement:

-Manipulation. Sheer, rotational or agitated force that is rapid and results in an audible popping sound caused by the sudden breakdown of gas bubbles that develop during joint cavitation

-Massage. Recurring stripping, kneading or rubbing of the soft tissues for the purpose of redistributing fluid, relaxing muscles, increasing circulation, easing muscle tension, breaking up scar tissue and reducing pain

-Mobilization. Stretching the soft tissues in a slower, more regulated process in order to improve flexibility

Mobilization and manipulation are often talked about together. They use calculated movements of various speeds (slow to fast), force (moderate to strong) and distances to pull, rotate or thrust joints and bones into position to help release stiff tissues around the joint, minimize joint pain, reestablish alignment and assist with flexibility.

Types of Manual Therapy Techniques

Prior to executing manual therapy, the chiropractor will typically do an assessment of the nerve and blood supply in the treatment area, as well as look at the bone and muscles themselves. This helps him or her determine whether this physical therapy is appropriate for the patient’s needs. Contingent on the assessment, the chiropractor may perform one or more of the following manual therapy techniques:

-Soft tissue mobilization. Breaks up hard or rubbery muscle tissue (e.g., scar tissue), circulates tissue fluids, restores normal texture to tissue, reduces pain and lessens muscle tension through rhythmic stretching and deep pressure

-Strain and counter-strain. Focuses on fixing irregular neuromuscular reflexes that trigger structural and postural problems. Here, the chiropractor first determines where the patient’s tender points are. The patient is then asked at what point the soreness diminishes. The patient is next held in position (at a point where they are comfortable) for up to two minutes. During this time, the muscle is stretched mildly and then slowly taken out of this position, which lets the body reset its muscles to a natural level of tension so that healing can occur.

-Joint mobilization. Loosens the constrained joint and boosts range of motion by delivering slow speed and amped up distance of movement.

-Muscle energy technique. Designed to activate restricted joints and lengthen shortened muscles by using voluntary contractions of the patient’s muscles against a defined counter force implemented by the chiropractor, who helps by taking the muscle to a specific position and placing it in a precise direction

-High velocity, low amplitude thrusting. Restores the sliding motion of joints and allows them to open and close efficiently. This more aggressive technique involves taking a joint to, but not beyond, its restrictive barrier.

Most people have used heat at one time to sooth normal aches and pains — such as the use of a hot bath, a heating pad or even an old-fashioned water bottle.

Even today, these types of heat therapy play an important role in chiropractic practice to increase circulation and relax the muscles. At the same time, heat therapy can help reduce pain.

Types of Heat Therapy

The types of heat therapy vary, from simple methods such as the use of warm wraps and heating pads to more advanced techniques such as the use of therapeutic ultrasound. All of these, though, are designed to relax muscles and promote healing.

Some of the most common heat therapies used by chiropractors include:

-Moist heat packs. These are applied over several layers of towels to prevent burning of the skin.

-Warm whirlpool bath. This technique involves a combination of immersion in heated water and massage from water jets; this may be combined with movements in the water.

-Paraffin bath. The hands, wrists, elbows, ankles or feet are dipped in paraffin wax to soothe chronic injuries.

-Fluidotherapy. This method is a dry technique, involving the use of hot air containing cellulose particles that is circulated over the skin.

Benefits of Heat Therapy

Heat has long been used for its healing and soothing benefits. But heat therapy may provide other benefits, such as:

-Increased blood flow
-Reduced inflammation
-Relief from muscle spasms
-Decreased stiffness in joints
-Pain relief

Heat therapy can also be used before other healing therapies, including stretching, exercise, massage and physical adjustments. The heat can increase how easily scar tissue or tight joints will move.

How Heat Therapy Works

Some muscle spasms are caused by a lack of blood flow to the tissues. Heat applied to the area can bring more blood to the tissues, along with extra oxygen and glucose needed by the cells.

Heat therapy also reduces inflammation and swelling by speeding up the activity of the cells, lowering the pH inside the cells and stimulating the release of helpful chemicals. These chemicals cause the blood vessels to widen, allowing more blood flow to the injured, inflamed or painful tissues.

Although heat therapy can improve many symptoms, some people may experience negative side effects after treatment. They may experience greater pain, achiness or stiffness. If you experience any of these symptoms, tell your chiropractor, who may suggest other treatments.

Applying ice after an injury is a common method for reducing pain and swelling. It is especially effective for athletes, who often experience sudden, painful injuries. This type of cold therapy, also known as cryotherapy, is used by chiropractors for the same purposes.

Types of Cold Therapy

Many types of cold therapy are available to reduce pain and swelling after an injury, including the use of:

-Ice packs
-Ice massage
-Slush bucket (half water, half crushed ice)
-Whirlpool with ice water
-Cold wet towels

Benefits of Cold Therapy

Cold temperatures cause blood vessels to narrow, which reduces the flow of blood into an area. As a result, cold therapy:

-Reduces swelling and pain after injury
-Slows movement of fluid into tissues
-Reduces the amount of chemicals that cause inflammation in injured tissue
-Reduces bleeding
-Slows the movement of pain signals from nerves
-Decreases muscle spasms by reducing the contraction of muscles

Cold therapy may also keep cells in the injured area from dying due to the lack of oxygen. This is because an injury can reduce blood flow — and oxygen — to the area. However, cold therapy slows the activity of cells, which reduces how much oxygen they need to stay alive.

Tips for Best Cold Therapy

For cold therapy to work, cold packs should be applied as soon as possible. Pain and inflammation are common within 72 hours after an injury.

To avoid frostbite, cold packs should be applied for only 10 minutes at a time, with breaks of at least an hour in between. The ice can be applied several times a day, for three or four days after an injury — or as directed by your chiropractor.

Also, cold packs should never be applied directly to the skin. Instead, a towel should be placed between the skin and cold pack.

Cold therapy may not be appropriate for everyone. Some people respond to cold temperatures by breaking out in hives or developing pain in the joints.

If you have questions about cold therapy or think you might benefit from this type of treatment, please contact our office to schedule an appointment and receive more information.

Spinal Decompression
Do you have lasting back pain, unable to find relief throughout the day? Do you have pain, weakness, or tingling in your legs (sciatica), or a bulging or herniated disc in your low back, or in your neck? Are your spinal joints wearing down, or your nerves being pinched? If you deal with these issues, then nonsurgical spinal decompression may be right for you.

The chiropractors at Curis Functional Health, use spinal decompression on a regular basis to relieve the pain from bulging or herniated discs. We have a motorized table that works to relieve back pain, disc pain, sciatica, neck pain, and other conditions. Chiropractors use it to gently, slowly, stretch the spine to relieve muscle tension, then gently “pump” to relieve the pressure on your spinal discs (the gel-like cushions between your bones in your spine) and nerves that are along your spine. Over time, non-surgical spinal decompression treatment works to relieve your pain, retract bulging or herniated discs, and works to remove any pinching or compression that may be occurring to nerves in the area that is being treated. The treatment also helps promote the restoration of nutrient-rich fluids into the tissues, as well as water, and oxygen. It can be performed on the low back, or the neck, in our office.

Decompression is performed by having you lie face down, or face-up, on our decompression tables. Your customized treatment is then entered into our computer-controlled units based on your needs, and the treatment lasts 15-20 minutes. These treatments are oftentimes paired with chiropractic adjustments, electrical muscle stimulation, and ice or heat. You may require anywhere from 6-24 of these treatments depending on your condition.

Forceful spinal manipulation is not always necessary to treat conditions of the lower back, mid-back and neck. Gentle chiropractic treatment, such as drop table techniques, involves less powerful spinal maneuvering and slower, low-velocity movements that allow the affected joint to stay within its passive range of motion.

How Does the Drop Table Technique Work?

Also known as the Thompson technique, the “drop” approach uses a special chiropractic table. The table used has segments that can be lifted up and then dropped when a thrust is applied by the chiropractor. The drop allows gravity to assist and work in combination with the manual adjustment, and all of this provides a lighter adjustment than that which comes with some other chiropractic techniques, such as those that involve twisting positions.

To further clarify, the table has various sections that are raised between 1 to 2 inches relative to the rest of the patient’s body. Once the section of the table is lifted, it is fastened in place and the stiffness of the table is altered based on the patient’s body weight. When the chiropractor applies a gentle thrust to the area needing adjustment, the table releases and drops down, causing that segment of the body to fall too. The drop table comes to a rest, but the patient’s body momentum continues for a short period. This momentum is equally as critical to the drop table technique as the thrust and dropping of the table are, because it aids in alignment.

What to Expect After a Drop Table Technique

The number of sessions needed depends on the type of condition the patient has and its severity. However, in general, the patient should have better range of motion and less pain with each treatment.

Active Release Technique or A.R.T is a trademark soft tissue technique. The overuse of muscles can naturally develop scar tissue and fibrous ad- hesions that shorten (weaken) muscles. The fibrous tissues can also compress blood vessels and nerves, resulting in fatigue, tingling and/or numbness. These changes in muscu- lature are often accompanied by pain and limited ranges of motion. Active Release Technique treats various problems with muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia, nerves & blood vessels. A.R.T providers will always begin a therapy session with an evaluation of muscle texture, muscle tightness, muscle motion, fascia, tendons, ligaments and nerves.

When there is damage to muscles and other soft tissues including pulls, tears, or not being able to get enough oxygen (hypoxia), it can result in the body producing rough, thick scar tissue in the affected area.

Scar tissue restricts the tissues from moving freely because they bind them and tie them down, and as scar tissue builds up, muscles shorten and become weaker, nerves become ensnared and tendinitis can develop due to tension on the tendons. This can lead to reduced range of motion, pain and loss of muscle strength. Should a nerve become trapped, the person may additionally experience numbness, tingling and weakness.

What Do Active Release Techniques Aim to Do?

Active release techniques (ART) attempt to address problems in individual tissues, since one tissue or structure can affect another structure both directly and biomechanically. With this method, the chiropractor identifies problems with movement, pressure and stiffness between the nearby tissues, and then addresses them.

While scar tissue and muscle tension can be addressed with massage, electrical modalities and applying pressure to trigger points, ART seek to take a different approach. It is not just about treatment; it’s also about understanding the muscles and how they have been affected.

After the chiropractor has gotten a feel of the tissues and their texture, motion and tension, he is able to understand and assess the motion of each tissue relative to the one adjacent to it. Now equipped with this knowledge, he can determine whether to:

– Apply a contact tension
– Shorten the tissue
– Make the tissue glide relative to the tissue nearby
– Lengthen the tissue
– By doing one or more these, movement can be restored; fibrous adhesions can be broken down; trapped nerves or blood vessels can be released; pain can be reduced; and oxygen and blood can be efficiently delivered to the muscles and tissues.

How Are ART Different From Other Techniques?

There are more than 500 specific moves associated with ART, and each allows the chiropractor to recognize and rectify problems that affect each individual patient. For this, ART do not take a cookie-cutter approach, nor do they only treat problems with muscles. In addition, these “soft tissue system/movement-based massage techniques” treat tendons, ligaments, fascia and nerves.

However, unlike massage, the patient does not lie motionless, and neither pressure nor movement is lateral to the muscles, nerves, ligaments and tendons. Instead, ART use longitudinal movements, and they require the patient to be both a participant and non-participant in their care. In some levels of treatment, movement of the patient’s tissue is done by the chiropractor. In other levels, the patient must actively move the affected tissue in a specific way while the chiropractor employs tension. So, in many ways ART are not strictly a massage; instead, they are a form of manipulation.

What Conditions Do ART Treat?

Because the muscles and other soft tissues can be manipulated, a variety of conditions — all of which are typically the result of overused or overworked muscles — can be resolved with this technique:

– Headaches
– Carpal tunnel
– Back and shoulder pain
– Sciatica
– Tennis elbow
– Shin splints
– Plantar fasciitis
– Knee problems
– Tendinitis

ART Has Helped These Patients

“A.R.T has helped me break through years of neck and upper shoulder tightness & restricted range of motion. A.R.T has even helped with my vertigo. I have tried many different natural alternatives for four years to help the vertigo and A.R.T has been the most beneficial.”
– Sonia Bilderback

“When I first started I thought there was no hope in continuing with my crossfit workouts. After several months I am almost 80% better and back to crossfit. Not only has this helped my flexibility, this has given me hope. I love our time together and love laughing about how good it hurts. She works wonders!”
– Maggie Shaffer

“ART has helped me tremendously! Before seeing my chiropractor I couldn’t run without pain. Now I can run as far as I want without fear of hurting long after.”
– Andrea Murphy

“The treatment I’ve received have saved my “exercise” life! Realizing the root of the problem and treating it through active movement versus medicine or pain killers is worth every cent. A.R.T has helped me gain range of motion and strength back that I had lost from my injury.”
– Robby Shaffer

Imagine living a better life – whether it’s holding off on surgery for a bum knee, or finding relief from chronic pain, or feeling more energetic and alive. Pulsed Electromagnetic Field therapy (PEMF) can help.

When chronic pain is your struggle, as it is with 100 million Americans, PEMF creates cellular rejuvenation to keep inflammation down. More powerful than magnetic therapy, it offers a deeply penetrating way to naturally, non-invasively achieve pain relief.

A workout for your cells, PEMF therapy helps not only to relieve pain, but also increase energy, improve sleep quality and elevate mood. Even conditions such as osteoporosis show so much improvement that NASA uses it for astronauts to rebuild decreased bone and muscle upon returning from long-term space travel.

With PEMF each cell receives an individual charge that allows it to deliver oxygen more efficiently, leaving your body breathing a sigh of relief.


Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) therapy has helped our clients find relief from numerous forms of chronic pain and other ailments. The therapy uses high intensity, short duration electromagnetic pulses of energy that safely penetrate the body to stimulate better cell function. Typical treatments last either 30 or 60 minutes, ideally two to three times per week, although our staff will work you as the client to devise the optimal treatment plan.
PEMF therapy has been used for decades, perhaps most prominently by doctors at the National Aeronautical and Space Administration (NASA), to help astronauts recover from bone density losses and muscle atrophy after extended periods of space travel. Research scientists around the world have published extensive clinical studies on the application of PEMF therapy to address common chronic ailments such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, and neuropathy. Physicians have successfully used PEMF to accelerate healing of acute (non-chronic) conditions such as bone fractures, joint sprains, and post-operative inflammation.

More than just for pain, research shows us that the PEMF device can help to rebuild bone, which can be helpful for those with osteoporosis. Current research on PEMF’s use in depression, as well as debilitating neurological conditions such as Parkinson’s, is extremely promising. Our experience has shown us that after a session on the PEMF machine people feel, energized, positive and tend to sleep more soundly.

The clinical research has documented virtually no negative side-effects from PEMF therapy and contra-indications are extremely limited – generally to implanted electrical devices such as pacemakers and pregnancy.

If chronic pain is keeping you from living the life you want, PEMF therapy could be the solution that you have been hoping for.

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Why Choose
Curis Functional Chiropractic?

Most people associate chiropractic care with the treatment of injuries, neck pain, back pain, arthritis, and sciatica. However, the long-term positive effects of seeing a functional chiropractor are often overlooked. A healthy, aligned spine gives the body and brain the best chance of optimal performance.

Think of the human body like a high-performance vehicle. What you do with and how you take care of the vehicle will determine the level of performance and the rate of breakdown. When the spine is out of alignment it’s like having the frame bent and distorted. Even slight distortion on the vehicle will cause drastic reduction in performance, the acceleration goes down, the turning capabilities reduce, the stopping distance increases, the longevity of the vehicle declines, and many others systems get compromised. By fixing the frame it makes it so that the onboard computer (the brain) can process information properly and control all the minute calculations that are necessary for success.

Optimizing spinal function positions the nervous system, including the brain, for peak performance.

Decompression Therapy

Curis Chiropractors use spinal decompression on a regular basis to relieve the pain from bulging or herniated discs. We have a motorized table that works to relieve pain through non-surgical spinal decompression.

Drop-Table Technique

Forceful spinal manipulation is not always necessary to treat conditions of the lower back, mid-back and neck. The drop-table technique involves less powerful spinal maneuvering and slower, low-velocity movements that allow the affected joint to stay within its passive range of motion.

Cold Laser Therapy

Cold laser therapy, also known as low-level laser therapy (LLLT), uses light to treat various conditions without heat or vibration.

Active Release Technique

Active Release Technique, or ART, is a trademark soft tissue technique that treats various problems with muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia, nerves, and blood vessels. ART attempts to address problems in individual tissues since one tissue or structure can affect another structure both directly and biomechanically.

Myofascial Release

Myofascial tissue is a thin membrane wrapped around your muscles that provide support, but they can sometimes stiffen and cause pain and discomfort. During myofascial release, your chiropractor will locate and release areas of myofascial tissue that are stiff and tight.

Manual Technique

Manual therapy, also known as manipulative therapy, is a physical treatment primarily used by chiropractors to treat musculoskeletal pain and debility. When a chiropractor uses their hands during manual therapy, they apply pressure on the muscle tissue and maneuver the joints to reduce pain associated with muscle tension, muscle spasm and joint dysfunction.

Heat Therapy

Heat therapy plays an important role in chiropractic practice to increase circulation, relax muscles, and reduce pain. Heat therapy can also be used before other healing therapies, including stretching, exercise, massage, and physical adjustments.

Cold Therapy

Applying ice after an injury is a common method for reducing pain and swelling. This type of cold therapy, also known as cryotherapy, is used by chiropractors for the same purposes.

How Chiropractic Works at Curis Functional Health

Curis Chiropractors understand that one of the main causes of bodily pain is the misalignment and abnormal motion of the vertebrae in the spinal column. Functional chiropractic works by removing these abnormalities thereby relieving pressure and irritation on the nerves, restoring joint mobility, and returning the body back to a state of normal function. Through this process, Curis Chiropractors work with you to develop a personalized Care Plan that relieves pain, optimizes your body, and helps you live your life to the fullest!

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Book a Primary Consultation

Meet with one of our Curis Chiropractors to discuss your needs and work together to come up with a personalized care plan.

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Work Towards Your Goals

Consistently visit your Curis Chiropractor as you work together on your care plan. Complete any at-home exercises your chiropractor may give you.

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Feel the Results

Continue following your care plan and begin to feel the results of your chiropractic care.

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Commit to Your Wellness

Once you have finished your care plan, work with your Curis Chiropractor to establish a wellness routine to make your results last.

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMF)

PEMF creates cellular rejuvenation and offers a deeply penetrating way to naturally and non-invasively reduce inflammation and relieve pain. Further, PEMF can increase energy, improve sleep, and elevate mood

What We
May Help You With

Functional chiropractic care can offer the missing pieces to achieve your body’s wellness potential.

Functional chiropractic care is effective for a wide variety of conditions – not just back pain. From infants who are just days old to older adults, children, athletes, men, and women, functional chiropractic care is appropriate for almost anyone. It offers a drug-free alternative to pain management, improved mobility, and enhanced function for conditions ranging from asthma to PMS and headaches to carpal tunnel. Functional chiropractic care is also very important for injury recovery and rehabilitation, following auto accidents, falls and other personal injuries.

Here is a partial list of some of the most common conditions functional chiropractic care can help with. If you do not see your specific condition listed, we encourage you to give us a call so we can personally address your particular concerns.

​The term “whiplash” was first used in 1928 to define an injury mechanism of sudden hyperextension followed by an immediate hyper-flexion of the neck that results in damage to the muscles, ligaments and tendons – especially those that support the head. Today, we know that whiplash injuries frequently do…

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Auto Accidents
Numerous studies have shown that years after auto accident victims settle their insurance claims, roughly half of them state that they still suffer with symptoms from their injuries. If you have been involved in a car accident, your injuries need to be taken very seriously. Because symptoms of some…

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Shoulder Pain
Chiropractors will always seek to treat shoulder pain with the most gentle and drug-free methods possible. The ultimate goal of chiropractic care for shoulder pain is to bring the patient’s shoulder back to full function while reducing and eliminating the pain caused by the injury. Shoulder pain can…

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Back Pain-Upper/Neck
Most neck and upper back pain is caused by a combination of factors, including injury, poor posture, chiropractic subluxations, stress, and in some instances, disc problems. Most people do not realize how much they move their neck during the day until they are unable to do so. The degree of flexibility…

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Balance and coordination exist when the body is used for what it is designed for. Exercises such as walking, swimming, yoga, Pilates, bicycling, martial arts, and bodybuilding all help to improve muscle coordination.

​Activities such as working at a desk, reading, and watching television do the opposite for the body. Without realizing it, most people have extreme stress in their muscles. This muscular tension contributes to muscle tightness, restricted movement, and joint pain. This occurs simply because they sit for many hours every day and do not perform regular exercises that will work to keep all of the muscles in their body in balance.

Shin Splints
Shin splints are characterized by pain in the front part of the lower leg. It occurs on the inside edge of the large bone there — the tibia. This condition is common in runners, but can also occur in other physically active people…

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TMJD (Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction) is a collective term for a broad range of disorders displaying a variety of signs. With proper care and treatment of spinal disorders, TMJD patients can achieve pain relief and correction…

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Plantar Fasciitis
About 90 percent of people will recover from plantar fasciitis within a few months following conservative treatment. Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common explanations of heel pain. It is caused by inflammation to the thick band that connects the toes to the heel bone, called the plantar fascia, which runs across the bottom of your foot. The condition is most commonly seen in runners, pregnant women…

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Patients will find that chiropractic care for hip and knee osteoarthritis can help reduce inflammation, improve joint functioning, reduce pain, and strengthen the muscles around the affected joints. Osteoarthritis in the knee and hip areas can be a very painful injury, and one that is often a chronic condition if left untreated…

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Knee Pain
Chiropractic care for knee pain includes first identifying the underlying cause of the pain, which could be an injury, mechanical problem or some kind of arthritis. Once this is known, the chiropractor can determine the best treatment for the pain…

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Pinched Nerve
The term “pinched nerve” is somewhat of a catch-all phrase that is commonly used to describe the pain associated with a variety of conditions from subluxations, to tunnel syndromes to the referred pain from trigger points…

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Scoliosis is a bend or curve in the spine where a healthy spine would be completely vertical…

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Although most chiropractors don’t directly treat Osteoporosis, chiropractic care directly addresses spinal misalignments, which in turn directly impact proper functioning of the nerve system…

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The physical stress of pregnancy can lead to a great deal of discomfort. It’s common for women to visit a chiropractic office regularly for low back pain, as well as other related issues, such as sciatica, leg cramps and constipation. This can lead to difficulty performing daily tasks as well as difficulties in labor…

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Frozen Shoulder
The term frozen shoulder encompasses a wide variety of restrictive shoulder disorders and can also be referred to as adherent bursitis, pericapsulitis, obliterative bursitis and periarthritis. Regardless of what it is called, manipulation of the joint and neuro-muscular-skeletal rehabilitation are needed to resolve the lack of mobility…

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A combination of chiropractic, trigger point therapy, and lifestyle changes has proven to be very effective in decreasing the severity and duration of the physical pain of fibromyalgia…

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Several studies have shown that chiropractic care can help decrease many of the symptoms of PMS without the potential side effects of prescription drugs…

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Tension Headache
Tension headaches are the most common type of headache. The pain usually spreads throughout the head so that sufferers feel like they’re wearing a tight band…

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Migraine Headache
Migraines often start on one side of the head, but may spread to both sides. Typically, the worst pain is around the sides of the forehead. Many sufferers experience what’s called an aura…

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Headaches and Migraines
Headaches are not fun, and migraines are another level of awful. Living with either of these issues can make you feel grumpy, and in the worst-case scenario, leave you unable to function…

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Cluster Headaches
While no headache is pleasant, cluster headaches can be particularly uncomfortable. Sufferers liken the sensation to a hot poker being stuck in their eyes, and may even feel like their eyes are being shoved out of their sockets…

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Slipped Disc
Discs do not actually “slip”. Rather, they may herniate or bulge outward. A herniation is a displaced fragment of the center part of the disc…

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Sciatica, which is also known as sciatic neuralgia, is a condition that causes pain in the lower back, down the back of the leg, and into the foot…

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Modern life is full of pressure, stress and frustration. Worrying about your job security, being overworked, driving in rush-hour traffic, arguing with your spouse – all these create stress. According to a recent survey by the American Psychology Association, fifty-four percent of Americans are concerned about the level of stress in their everyday lives and two-thirds of Americans say they are likely to seek help for stress…

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Just because you don’t feel sick, does not mean you feel as great as you could. Far too many people wait until they are sick to find a chiropractic clinic at Curis. It is common in our culture to accept a slow decline in health as we age, but it is also unnecessary…

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Whenever you run, walk or stand, your feet form the foundation of your body. Sometimes, though, the shape of your foot or an injury can affect the angle at which your foot strikes the ground. If severe enough, this can cause pain in the foot, as well as in the legs, low back and other areas of the body…

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Imagine waking up one morning with a frozen shoulder where you couldn’t move your upper arm more than a few inches in any direction. How much would that impact your ability to do your job? How much would that affect your ability to drive your car or even to dress yourself? How much would that affect your ability to concentrate on anything other than your shoulder? Obviously, if your shoulder did not move correctly, it would have a dramatic impact on your life. Well, the same is true with movement in every part of your body. If things aren’t moving the way they are supposed to move, it will have a negative impact on your ability to function at work, take care of the demands of everyday life, and even your ability to concentrate.

Many patients with severe low back pain report that their pain came on suddenly when they did something as simple as bend down to pet their cat, put on their socks, or pick up the newspaper. Just about everyone would agree that a person’s body should be able to handle such simple movements. So what has happened?

In every one of these cases, the joints of the patient’s body were “all locked up” — they were barely moving at all. When the joints in one area of the body do not move the way they should, other areas of the body are forced to move more in order to compensate. This creates a significant stress on those areas that have to pick up the slack, and it soon leads to pain and inflammation. At the same time, the areas that don’t have normal movement will slowly worsen as the muscles continue to tighten, the joints stick together, and the ligaments and tendons shorten. This leaves the body in a very unstable condition; if left unchecked, this process will continue until the body can hardly move at all. That is how a person comes to suffer flare-ups of pain at the slightest provocation.

Most of us have seen people who have lost most of their normal mobility: they look like bodies have been starched stiff whenever they try to move around. This is especially prevalent among the elderly. Contrary to popular belief, however, this is not an inevitable effect of aging; rather it is the inevitable effect of not maintaining the body’s mobility through exercise, healthy alignment, and body mechanics. There are people in their 60s, 70s, or even older, who are stronger and more flexible than the average person in their 30s, simply because they keep themselves exercising.

Maintaining mobility is critical in order to live free from pain and disability. Maintaining good mobility is not difficult, but it does not happen on its own. Just as in developing a good posture, it is necessary that you perform specific exercises and stretches to keep your muscles, ligaments, and tendons flexible and healthy. In addition, it is necessary that all of the joints in your body are kept moving correctly as well. Although this can be achieved to a great degree through stretching, most people also find routine chiropractic adjustments to be very beneficial.

Colic is a condition in young infants characterized by an unusual amount of crying.When they cry, they may draw their arms and legs toward their bodies as though they are in pain and may even turn bright red…

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A number of clinical research studies demonstrate that chiropractic care can help with bedwetting by removing any irritation that may be affecting the nerves that control bladder function…

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Although chiropractors don’t directly treat ADHD, there are a number of things that your chiropractor can do to help eliminate things that stress a child’s nervous system…

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Ear Infections
​If your child experiences recurrent ear infections, chiropractic can help by restoring normal drainage of the lymphatic vessels…

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The ancient Japanese art form of growing Bonsai trees is fascinating. Bonsai trees are essentially normal shrubs that have been consistently stressed in a particular way for a long time to create a posture which would never be found in nature. Depending on how the tree is stressed while it grows, it may end up looking like a miniature version of a full-sized tree, or it may end up looking like a wild tangle of branches with twists and loops. To most people, “good posture” simply means sitting and standing up straight. Few of us realize the importance of posture to our health and performance.

The human body craves alignment. When we are properly aligned, our bones, not our muscles, support our weight, reducing effort and strain. The big payoff with proper posture is that we feel healthier, have more energy, and move gracefully. So while the word “posture” may conjure up images of book-balancing, charm-school girls, it is not just about standing up straight. It’s about being aware of and connected to every part of your self.

Posture ranks right up at the top of the list when you are talking about good health. It is as important as eating right, exercising, getting proper rest and avoiding potentially harmful substances like alcohol, drugs, and tobacco. Good posture is a way of doing things with more energy, less stress and fatigue. Without good posture, you cannot really be physically fit. Without good posture, you can actually damage your spine every time you exercise.

Ideally, our bones stack up one upon the other: the head rests directly on top of the spine, which sits directly over the pelvis, which sits directly over the knees and ankles. But if you spend hours every day sitting in a chair, if you hunch forward or balance your weight primarily on one leg, the muscles of your neck and back have to carry the weight of the body rather than it being supported by the spine. The resulting tension and joint pressure can affect you not only physically, but emotionally, too – from the predictable shoulder and back pain to headaches, short attention span, and depression.

Poor posture distorts the alignment of bones, chronically tenses muscles, and contributes to stressful conditions such as loss of vital lung capacity, increased fatigue, reduced blood and oxygen to the brain, limited range of motion, stiffness of joints, pain syndromes, reduced mental alertness, and decreased productivity at work. According to the Nobel Laureate Dr. Roger Sperry, “the more mechanically distorted a person is, the less energy is available for thinking, metabolism, and healing.”

The most immediate problem with poor posture is that it creates a lot of chronic muscle tension as the weight of the head and upper body must be supported by the muscles instead of the bones. This effect becomes more pronounced the further your posture deviates from your body’s center of balance.

To illustrate this idea further, think about carrying a briefcase. If you had to carry a briefcase with your arms outstretched in front of you, it would not take long before the muscles of your shoulders would be completely exhausted. This is because carrying the briefcase far away from your center of balance places undue stress on your shoulder muscles. If you held the same briefcase down at your side, your muscles would not fatigue as quickly, because the briefcase is closer to your center of balance and therefore the weight is supported by the bones of the skeleton, rather than the muscles.

In some parts of the world, women can carry big pots full of water from distant water sources back to their homes. They are able to carry these heavy pots a long distance without significant effort because they balance them on the top of their heads, thereby carrying them at their center of balance and allowing the strength of their skeleton to bear the weight, rather than their muscles.

Correcting bad posture and the physical problems that result can be accomplished in two ways. The first is by eliminating as much “bad” stress from your body as possible. Bad stress includes all the factors, habits, or stressors that cause your body to deviate from your structural center. Bad stress can result from a poorly adjusted workstation at work, from not having your seat adjusted correctly in your car, or even from carrying too much weight around in a heavy purse or backpack.

The second is by applying “good” stress on the body in an effort to move your posture back toward your center of balance. This is accomplished through a series of exercises, stretches, adjustments, and changes to your physical environment, all designed to help correct your posture. Getting your body back to its center of balance by improving your posture is critically important to improving how you feel.

Tennis Elbow
Tennis elbow often gets better on its own, but the majority of people who have persistent pain show improvement through non-surgical treatment…

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Carpal Tunnel
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) has become one of the most widespread occupational health problems we face today…

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Many allergic and asthmatic reactions are caused by hypersensitivity of the immune system and chiropractic care can help…

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Allergies are often treated with chiropractic care. Many allergic and asthmatic reactions are caused by hypersensitivity of the immune system and/or respiratory system…

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Strong muscles keep your body upright and allow you to move. Good muscle strength and balance are critical to maintain proper posture and minimize muscle tension. Your muscles function much like the wires that hold up a tall radio or television antenna. If the wires are equally strong on all sides, the antenna will stand up straight. If one of the wires becomes weak or breaks, the antenna will either lean to the side or collapse. The same is true with your body. If the muscles on all sides of your spine are balanced and strong, your body will stand up straight and strong. Unfortunately, most people don’t have balanced and strong muscles – due, once again, to lack of exercise and to misalignments of the spine.

Muscles are very efficient at getting stronger or weaker in response to the demands placed on them. Since most of us sit at a desk, drive a car, and sit on the sofa at home, many of our muscles are not challenged. Consequently, they become weak. At the same time, the muscles that are constantly used throughout the day become strong. This imbalance of muscle strength contributes to poor posture and chronic muscle tension. Left unchecked, muscle imbalances tend to get worse, not better, because of a phenomenon called “reciprocal inhibition.”

Reciprocal inhibition literally means “shutting down the opposite.” For all of the muscles that move your body in one direction, there are opposing muscles that move the body in the opposite direction. In order to keep these muscles from working against each other, when the body contracts one muscle group, it forces the opposing group to relax – it shuts down the opposite muscles. When consistently only one set of muscles is used, the opposing group, from being continuously shut-down, is liable to atrophy.

This phenomenon is especially important to people who work at a desk, because all day long the same muscles in the upper back and chest area of the body are used. This means that all day long the body is essentially shutting down the opposite muscles in the middle back. Over time, the muscles in the middle back become very weak because they are not being worked like the muscles in the front. This contributes to poor posture and chronic muscle spasms and pain. The easiest way to correct this imbalance is to do specific exercises which will increase the strength of the back muscles, along with manual therapy and chiropractic care. Once the muscles in your middle back are strong, the tightness and poor posture simply disappear.

Vertigo can literally turn your life upside down. Many people with vertigo seek out a chiropractor and find a great deal of improvement in their condition. It is a condition marked by dizziness, and living with it makes even the simplest functions of day to day living a struggle. Many people find it difficult to get information about what exactly is causing their vertigo, and therefore, what the best available treatments are. This article will hopefully help you to understand the common causes of Vertigo as well as explain how chiropractic treatment can help you to find relief.


Before we get into talking about the causes of vertigo, let’s go over some of the most common symptoms to help you determine if this is what you are dealing with. Two different kinds of dizziness are often assumed to be Vertigo. Sometimes people say that they feel dizzy when they actually mean that they feel like they are going to pass out or faint.

Others say they feel dizzy when they perceive objects around them spinning and moving. Vertigo is a medical term that is used to describe the second situation. It is important to differentiate between the two sensations because each has a different set of causes and appropriate treatments.

Vertigo can range from a small nuisance to an indication of a severe underlying condition. Contrary to popular belief, dizziness is not the only symptom associated with this disorder. Some of the symptoms of vertigo that commonly accompany dizziness are:

  • Blurry vision or difficulty focusing
  • Problems hearing, especially in one ear
  • Ringing ears
  • Trouble maintaining balance
  • Feeling fatigued or tired all the time
  • Double vision


As we already mentioned, there are variety of different causes for vertigo. At times it can be caused by a severe underlying issue, therefore, it is of vital importance to be examined by a medical professional if you are experiencing symptoms. The following is a list of some of the most common causes of vertigo:

  • Severe headaches such as migraines or tension headaches
  • Chronic ear aches or damage to the inner ear
  • A lack of blood flow to the brain
  • Car accidents resulting in damage to the joints and ligaments throughout the spine
  • Misalignments or subluxations of the vertebrae in the neck

As you can see, vertigo commonly starts with issues involving the head, inner ear, and spine. These areas play an important role in how the body orients itself and maintains balance. Vertigo commonly results from a disruption in the signals sent from the nerves of the spine to the brain. When signals that would normally keep us balanced become distorted and scrambled symptoms of dizziness can occur.


Chiropractic treatment is a gentle and safe approach to overcoming many of the causes of Vertigo. A chiropractic treatment begins with a thorough evaluation that will determine the exact cause of your vertigo and the most appropriate treatment methods. Many people find that the adjustments they receive from their chiropractor are all that it takes to stabilize the nervous system function and completely cure their vertigo. ​