Self-care 101

Have you ever had one of those moments where you look at your calendar and realize how incredibly filled your day, week, or even month is?

For most of us, it is so easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of living and focusing our energy on what’s going on around us.  Whether it is our career, taking the kids to soccer practice or trying to make room for our partners, there are many competing aspect of life that we all have to juggle. Unfortunately, we often tend to forget about the most important thing — to take care of ourselves.

Self-care is a concept that frequently tends to get overlooked.  Even when a person is aware of the concept, they sometimes believe they don’t have time to work it into their very busy schedules and lives.


However, does being busy mean we can’t take time for ourselves? No!

Self-care is not a one-size- fits-all thing. It is rather a concept that can be molded to fit your needs and your lifestyle. For example, one person may look at taking a nap, where another may look at taking a walk or a moment to meditate or just be alone as forms of self-care. The beauty of this concept is that there are no right or wrong ways to do it.

The key to implementing self-care is simply to ask, “What can I do for me?” This is something that you can work through on your own or with your counselor.

A good resource, that has helped many of my clients and is always of great help for me personally, is the Self-Care Wheel shown in the diagram below.  It covers numerous ideas and styles for self-care. It can help get you started on one of the most important paths for taking care of you.


If you want to explore this with a professional counselor, we, at Curis Functional
, would be happy to have a discussion with you.

And remember: don’t forget to do something for yourself today!

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