Scott Farley

Chiropractor in Tulsa, OK

Curis Headshots png

License No.: 2654

State: Oklahoma

Areas of Focus:

  • Optimal function

Average Cost:

  • $75

Insurances Accepted:

  • Yes

Curis Location:

From an early age, Dr. Farley suffered from migraine headaches but thought nothing could be done until being knocked unconscious while playing a football game. Dr. Farley was taken, to see a Chiropractor, who treated him thus eliminating the headaches, allowing him to return to the sport that he loved. From that point, he knew that he would become a Chiropractor.

Dr. Farley serves as the Oklahoma Chiropractors Association President and founding Board Member.

In 2015, Dr. Farley was awarded the Doctor of the Year from Pinnacle Chiropractic Management Group.

Treatment Approach

Types of Therapy

  • Prone Specific Technique
  • Active Release Technique
  • Extremity Disorders
  • Gentle Manual Adjustments